Legal Metions
Company information
The website is published by the company AQUAMAN S.A.R.L. whose registered office located at 34 Avenue de Boisbaudran, 13015 Marseille, France, Company register RCS MARSEILLE 429 622 707
VAT number: FR 33429622707
Phone number : +33 4 91 09 44 60
Email :
Publication manager: Cyrille Torres
The Consumers Service of can be contacted:
- By internet : via the Contact us link on the website
- By phone on +33 4 91 09 44 60, from Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm.
- By post : AQUAMAN - Consumers Service- 34 Avenue de Boisbaudran- CS60270- 13344 Marseille cedex 15- France.
1. Terms of use
The site accessible by the following URL: is operated in compliance with French legislation. The use of this site is governed by these terms and conditions. By using the site, you acknowledge having read and accepted these conditions. These can be modified at any time and without notice by the company Aquaman.
Aquaman cannot be held responsible in any way for misuse of the service.
2. Copyrights and photo credits